Pre-service Flex training

On this page you will find the required Activities for each week of the Moodle work along with a PDF version of the Volunteer Manual. You can contact the Training team anytime by emailing



Helpful Information for Online Training

  • Please log in to class on time. If you are late, it is your responsibility to communicate with the trainers and secure any information you may have missed.
  • We will take a break during class, but please feel free to step away briefly if you need to.
  • While there will be times we will have you on Mute, please try to participate in a quiet place for those times you are unmuted.
  • Even though you are not in a classroom, it’s vital that you focus on the trainers, content, and your fellow trainees. Avoid your cell phone or other distractions.
  • We highly recommend checking your casamercer email on a regular basis to ensure you receive any important information during your time in training (and afterward), and so you receive your Zoom invitation for each training class.


Volunteer Manual

Full Flex Volunteer Manual

Volunteer Manual Session 1

Volunteer Manual Session 2

Volunteer Manual Session 3

Volunteer Manual Session 4

Volunteer Manual Session 5


Moodle Portion

Here is the link to access the Moodle

On the login page, you will enter your username – which is  your first initial and last name (unless I tell you otherwise).

The password is training.

Below are the Subjects for each week and a link to the descriptions of the Activities. Please use the Activities Link that is in the Moodle, as this has all of the additional links you will need for each discussion. There are also videos that are on the Moodle that are essential for training. The links provided here give you an overview of each activity, but the full activities are on the Moodle.

Week 1 Online: Introduction to the CASA role, Child Welfare. Best Interest and Minimum Sufficient Level of Care, Introduction to the Court Report

Please complete all the activities and discussion questions for Week 1. Please remember to respond to classmates when required.

Activities-for-Week 1

Week 2 Online: Strengths, Weaknesses and Resource vs. Deficit Lens; Stress; Abuse and Neglect; Understanding Mental Illness; and Poverty

Please complete all the activities and discussion questions for Week 2. Please remember to respond to classmates when required.


Week 3 Online: Disproportionality in the System; Domestic Violence; Substance Abuse; Trauma

Please complete all the activities and discussion questions for Week 3. Please remember to respond to classmates when required.


Week 4 Online: Permanence and Aging Out; Culture and Stereotyping; LGBTQ; Bullying

Please complete all the activities and discussion questions for Week 4. Please remember to respond to classmates when required.


Week 5 Online: The Redd Case

For the Redd Case – you will be doing Activity 5.1 – you will be reading the Redd case and writing a report. This report will be submitted directly to the trainer at, NOT uploaded onto the Moodle. The trainer will review and send it back to you.

For Activity 5.2 – please only think of questions you would like a volunteer to answer and post them in the parking lot. We are NOT going to Peer Review the reports.


In-person portion

Night 1:



Parking Lot, Expectations, Group Agreements

Brief Recap of Online portion

Volunteer Do’s and Don’ts

Optima Introduction

Relationship Dilemmas

Volunteer Role

Children in Court


Night 2:



How Children Develop

Children’s Needs

Child Abuse and Neglect

Case Study – The Greene Case (This is not required reading before class)

Greene Case

Family Strengths

Court report writing


Night 3:


Childhood Trauma and Resilience

Case Study – The Lavender Case (This is not required reading before class)

Lavender Case

Court Report Writing


Night 4:


Culture and Diversity

Case Study – The Amarillo Case (This is not required reading before class)

Amarillo Case

Case Notes

Educational Assessments

Advocating for Older Youth


Night 5:


The Redd Case – you will be doing this prior to class


Baseline Rubric Information

Current Volunteer

Where to find support



This is a chance to become familiar with Optima, our case management system, since you will use it often as a CASA volunteer. Feel free to explore all of Optima and do the homework you’ve been assigned each week in class.

Optima Login

Optima-for-Volunteers training database website