Greene Case

Case Study

Greene Case Study

Questioner’s List

Questions to consider periodically:

Where else could we get information that would be useful?

What are the barriers to reunification?

Have we checked all relatives?


Questions to consider before finalizing court recommendations:

Are our court recommendations child focused?

Have we covered every need of the child(ren) in this case?

Did we appropriately consider the minimum sufficient level of care (MSL) standard in forming our recommendations for this case?

Do our recommendations ask for what is appropriate, whether or not it is readily available?

Is our work clear, diplomatic and non-judgmental?


Child: Marky Greene – 1st interview

Child: Marky Greene – 2nd interview

DCP&P Caseworker: Ryan Headon – 1st interview

DCP&P Caseworker: Ryan Headon – 2nd interview

Former Landlord of the Greene’s

In-home Therapist: Monica Morales

Parents: Judy and Roy Greene

School Nurse and Marky’s teacher